Topics of coins

The Independence March

The history of this cyclical event dates back to the year 2010. It was an exceptional time when Poles were trying to – if only for a moment – unite around the Smoleńsk tragedy and its victims. However, soon aft erwards feuding and disputes broke out over the choice of a burial site for the presidential couple. An idea of organising a nationwide patriotic celebration arose among the national circles to honour the fi gures and events that led to the rebirth of Poland in 1918.

The Independence March has become a cyclical and the largest patriotic manifestation in Poland, reaching the steady turnout of over 100,000. In 2018, when Poland celebrated the 100th anniversary of regaining independence, over 250,000 Poles of all ages joined the march, coming with white-and-red fl ags. Polish President Andrzej Duda delivered an address at the start of the manifestation, and the march trailed the offi cial one attended by the state authorities who walked to the National Stadium. Every year participants march under diff erent slogans; for example, in 2016 it was – “Poland: A Bastion of Europe”, in 2017 – “We Want God” and in 2018 – “God, Honour, Homeland”.

The Independence March has become one of the exceptional events on the map of contemporary history of Poland, indicating the need to show respect towards national heritage and love for the homeland.

Jan Żaryn The obverse of the coin depicts the image of the Eagle established as the national emblem of the Republic of Poland, featuring the symbolic representation of Polish fl ags in the background.

The reverse of the coin shows – at its main motif – white-and-red fl ags and a white-andred ribbon, both printed with the use of UV light; at the top, there is a semi-circular inscription: MARSZ NIEPODLEGŁOŚCI (The Independence March).